Green Energy in France: Providers, Offers, Tariffs in 2025

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green energy

Green energy is becoming increasingly popular in France, with over 1.6 million households converted in 2016 - and numbers only going up. But with so many contracts and providers available, it can be challenging to decide which to opt for. The following guide is here to help shed light on the green energy suppliers, offers and contracts to choose from in France in 2025.


Which suppliers in France offer green energy?

green leaf

With more and more renewable energy offers appearing on the French market, you have more than enough green options to choose from!

The main differences between them will be in terms of the prices (both for subscription and the price per kWh) and the extra perks they offer, as shown in this rundown of the French green providers, with their tariffs and characteristics in 2025.

Green Energy: list of providers in France (as of 2025)
ProviderOffer nameMore info
Verte Fixe Electricité
  • One of the most popular green energy suppliers in France
  • Voted Best Customer Service of 2019
  • Prices are fixed for 1 year
Mint Énergie
Online & Green
  • Affordable green energy
  • Between 25% and 100% green electricity according to the contract chosen
  • 1 tree planted for each subscription
Electricité Verte Exclusive Selectra
  • Choice between fixed and indexed prices
  • 5th biggest electricity supplier in France
ÉnRFixe+ Elec
  • Puts clients and suppliers in direct contact via an energy sale/purchase platform
  • You can choose between wind, solar and hydraulic energy.
OHM Énergie
Extra Eco
  • Affordable green energy
  • First independent green energy supplier in France
Elec Référence 2 ans
  • Biggest electricity provider after EDF
  • All of Engie's electricity offers are green offers
05 49 60 54 58
Électricité verte 100% française
  • Created by 49 EDLs
  • Its green energy is directly bought from 330 green energy producers it's partner with
09 70 68 07 65
Electricité 100% Renouvelable
  • A committed and militant provider
  • Supplies itself via local producers.
Vert Electrique
  • First electricity provider in France
  • Different green offers for different targets (electric vehicles, week-end users, etc.)
Octopus Energy
Eco-conso Fixe
  • Affordable green energy
  • Different strategies in place for encouraging energy users to consume better
Urban Solar Energy
04 28 29 75 52
Electricité avec centrale photovoltaïque et stockage virtuel
  • Direct contracts with green energy providers
  • Energy 100% green and 100% produced in France
OHM Énergie
Extra Eco
  • Electricity 100% green and 100% local
  • Direct contracts with green energy providers
La Bellenergie
  • Currently one of the cheapest on the market
  • Cheap and fixed prices.

*Some providers may have more than one green energy offer, but listed here are their cheapest offers available in 2025

Sign up for a French green energy offer today! Call our English-speaking Selectra advisors at 01 86 26 53 46 or get a free callback. Our agents will help you sign up to a renewable energy plan to suit your needs and budget.

What are the cheapest green energy offers on the French market?

Among all the providers presented above, 5 of them stand out as they provide the cheapest green energy offers on the market, helping you save a lot of money on bills, while at the same time consuming in a more responsible way. The cheapest green energy supplier being La Bellenergie in 2025. By subscribing the contract Prudence, your savings are estimated at 97 € per year.

Top 5 des offres d'électricité verte en option Base

Le signe    indique que le fournisseur est partenaire de Selectra.

Offre Caractéristiques Tarif Score Contact
4.1 sur 5 - 85 avis
  • Électricité verte standard
  • Prix Selectra électricité 2024
  • Electricité à prix fixes 1 an
Mensualité estimée
101 €
Economies estimées
8.1 €
Selectra Score A
Souscrire en ligne Vérifié le 27/02/2025
NovaFixe Élec
2.4 sur 5 - 104 avis
  • Électricité verte standard
  • Electricité à prix fixes 2 ans
Mensualité estimée
102 €
Economies estimées
7.7 €
Selectra Score A
Vérifié le 03/03/2025
Online & Green
2.9 sur 5 - 1616 avis
  • Offre indexée sur le tarif réglementé
  • Électricité verte partielle
  • Indexation TRV
Mensualité estimée
102 €
Economies estimées
7.7 €
Selectra Score B
Souscrire en ligne Vérifié le 06/03/2025
4.1 sur 5 - 85 avis
  • Électricité verte standard
  • Prix Selectra électricité 2024
  • Electricité à prix fixes 2 ans
Mensualité estimée
105 €
Economies estimées
4.1 €
Selectra Score A
Souscrire en ligne Vérifié le 27/02/2025
Électricité verte 100% française
2.2 sur 5 - 43 avis
  • Électricité verte standard
  • Prix Selectra électricité verte 2024
  • Electricité à prix fixes 1 an
Mensualité estimée
106 €
Economies estimées
3.8 €
Selectra Score A
Vérifié le 03/03/2025

Comparatif basé sur une consommation domestique de 5700 kWh par an et une puissance de 6 kVA à Toulouse. En savoir plus sur le Selectra Score.

All phone numbers mentioned in the table can get you to an English-speaking advisor.

What are the greenest energy offers on the French market?

renewable energy

By opting for any of the green offers from the energy providers mentioned in this article, you are guaranteed to already contribute to having a lesser impact on the environment. But this said, several suppliers, such as Enercoop, ilek and Ekwateur stand out in terms of their commitment to curbing global warming.

But what makes them particularly green? This could be thanks to several of their actions that go beyond the standard green supplier, such as choosing local production sources and partners or investing significantly in renewable production sites, or even incentivising their customers to consume less.

More information about the "greenest" of the green providers in France below.

List of some of the greenest providers in France
SupplierWhy choose this supplier?
Ekwateur Awarded the Selectra Prize of Best Green Supplier of the Year 2019.

 Supplies hydraulic electricity, purchased from small and local plants.

Enercoop Charges high prices, but in exchange of a cooperative, innovative and sustainable energy supply.

 Offers a new social model to support renewable and local producers.

energie dici Allows clients to consume and invest in a truly renewable electricity.

 Acts locally to bring together small hydropower producers.

logo ilek Connects its customers to small producers of wind and solar electricity.

 Received the 2019 Green Selectra Award

What actually is green energy?

An energy is called green when it is renewable, or in other words, that it comes from a source with naturally renewed stocks. Green energy comes from various sources, each presenting both pros and cons.

How is green energy produced?

solar energy

The answer is: it depends on the natural source used.

 Hydropower is created via the force of water, using dams and hydropower plants.
 Wind energy is created by the wind, with the use of wind turbines.
 Solar energy is created through the power of the sun, which is captured by photovoltaic panels.
 Biomass is created by burning matter (like wood), by converting matter to biofuels, or by extracting biogas from organic waste.

What makes green energy "green"?

An energy can be considered "green" when, contrary to fossil fuels, it fulfills the following criterias:

 It doesn't exhaust the planet's natural resources

 It doesn't negatively impact the environment

 It doesn't pose any public health hazards.

What's more, green energy is different to non-renewable energy, in that its production is intermittent. This means the creation of these energies is dependent on external factors, as sunshine for solar energy, wind for wind power, or rainfall for hydraulic energy.

Why opt for green energy?

Green energies have some great advantages to offer both consumers and the planet:

  • They are cleaner than fossil fuels
  • They are readily available in big and inexhaustible quantities
  • They don't create harmful and radioactive waste
  • By opting for green energy, you can actively contribute to the energy transition and limit your carbon footprint
  • After amortisation, producing such energies becomes cheap and very attractive in the long term
  • Prices for customers are relatively low and often even below the EDF regulated rates.

Get started with a green energy offer today! Contact one of our English-speaking Selectra advisors today at 01 86 26 53 46 or get a free callback. We will be able to you sign up to the renewable energy plan that will best suit your needs and budget.

How can I be sure that I'm purchasing green energy?

environnement EDF renouvelables

Once injected into the network, green electricity becomes mixed in with other types of electricity, meaning it is impossible to distinguish the different energies.

To solve this issue and enable the traceability of green energy sources to the final consumer, France has created a system of guarantees of origin. Such guarantees certify that the supplier has produced or purchased electricity of renewable origin.

Suppliers generally use 2 methods to ensure the traceability of green electricity and obtain these guarantees:

  1. When they are themselves the producers, they can have their production audited and that way receive the certification.
  2. When sourcing elsewhere, suppliers can:
  • Directly purchase green electricity and the guarantee of origin attached to it
  • Purchase the electricity and simultaneously guarantees of origin in sufficient quantities to cover the consumption of the green offers they commercialise.